Published On: Fri, Apr 15th, 2016

Newcomer on the way: Here’s how to announce

Motherhood is one of the sweetest experience for parents but usually in most cultures, the coming of the new one is kept a secret – at least from the general world if not from near and dear ones – and it is only after the new one is born that one wants to announce the good news.

The reasons for keeping a secret could be varied. For example in the oriental cultures, it is considered that if people come to know too early, there could be problems due to jealousy or what they call “bad-eye” and in other cases it could be due to not inviting too much curious guests at home. Whatever may be the reasons the fact of the matter is that once the good news is there, the next thing is to make maximum people aware of the new member.

How to announce your baby's birth

Hey This is to announce a new member in the family. 

So hope you have a good idea by now how to announce your baby’s coming.

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