Friendship Lessons For Teens
Friendship is an age old relationship and perhaps the most important relationship of all. If you cannot be a friend with someone there is no hope for the relationship to develop any further. Each person has a vibe and an aura. This vibe and aura attracts others to you. We all have noticed that many times in life you meet people whom you tend to like More...
Things teen girls and boys need to know about mensuration cycle and periods
When a girl reaches puberty it is natural for her to have periods or start with her mensuration cycle. This is a normal procedure and parents have to accept it as a reality of life. As parents it is important that you More...
How to get someone out of addiction to porn
In the previous article we have had a discussion on how porn is bad for the mental and physical health of a person. There are many problems with watching porn that can be very harmful for the mental and emotional More...
The Dangers of Watching Porn
There are many different views that people have about watching porn. One of the most acceptable views is that porn is safe and it cannot harm anyone. It is education and it helps people to reduce stress. Some also More...
Suicide Among Teenagers: Causes and Cure
We live in a world today where children are constantly exposed to a lot of things that we were not even aware of during our teenage. Life is not easy for a teenager and as a parent it is important to be emotionally More...
What is Bulimia: Facts and Symptoms
In this post about Bulimia facts and symptoms, let us learn more about this condition starting with its definition. In a layman’s language, Bulimia is excessive love for eating food with the guilt feeling of gaining More...
Skin Care For Teens
Teenage is one of the most crucial stages in the development of your child. This is the stage when the child slowly becomes an adult. The teenagers want to look the best and even a small skin problem can be a big More...
Can I Help My Son With Drug Addiction?
The teenagers today have huge exposure to the internet. They mingle with kids of different countries and social background thanks to the social media. We are not saying that exposure to the internet is bad. All More...
Teenage Pregnancy
Teenage pregnancy is perhaps one of the worst nightmares of all parents across the world. There are many social, emotional, physical concerns that are associated with this problem. Most of the parents feel that More...
What Does Puberty Mean: Teaching Kids About Puberty
Today we would like to discuss a rather sensitive topic that is “how to talk to your child about puberty”. Before learning about teaching kids about puberty, do you know what does puberty mean. Basically it More...