Dealing with a stubborn child
There are many types of children and we as parents have to deal with the different mood swings of a child. One problem that most of the parents often complain about is that the child has become very stubborn and is just not listening to anyone. Today parents are working and they live a very busy life. The parents are stressed as they have a lot of More...
Do not take out your frustration on kids
We live very stressful lives today. We have different types of stress like work, finding time for ourselves, maintaining the house, financial problems and the last but not the least is the kids. Each stress has More...
Best Age to Start School for Toddlers
A question that often haunts parents is when they should actually put the child in school. We will now discuss best age to start school for toddlers. There are few points that you must keep in mind and they are. Inability More...
How to get someone out of addiction to porn
In the previous article we have had a discussion on how porn is bad for the mental and physical health of a person. There are many problems with watching porn that can be very harmful for the mental and emotional More...
Taking care of your baby in fever | baby fever,
Small babies and children often suffer from high fever. As a parent you might have to deal with a situation like this every alternate month. The first point is that fever is normal. There is nothing to get scared. More...
How to Make Your Child’s Shots Less Stressful
Getting your child vaccinated against a number of diseases is not only required, it is a religious duty of every parent. Of course the child does not know that the minute prick that is being done to him/her is for More...
11 Techniques For New Born Baby Acceptance
Two is company and even more than two is company but in case of kids, it is sometimes a huge problem for parents to ensure that the new born is accepted by their brothers and sisters. It is natural for small children More...
Breast Feeding Equally Good For Mothers
It is a well known fact that breast feeding is vital for babies as it effects their health in the long run. However how many of you know that breast feeding can lead to healthier future for the mothers too who tend More...
Some Tips on Breast Feeding
There was a time when breast feeding was considered a matter of pride for mothers but over time fashion become the main consideration. Many young mothers were ashamed to breast feed their kids for the fear of losing More...
Antibiotics & Obesity in Babies
New research has shown that giving over the limit antibiotics to your loved ones can cause obesity later in life so just be careful in administering antibiotics to them. More...