Published On: Thu, Jul 31st, 2014

Child Psychology: Behaviour Checklist Below 5 Years

The world we live in is becoming a complex place to live in. Kids are exposed to so much and as a parent it becomes impossible to realise when the child is heading towards abnormal behaviour. Sometime what seems normal to us might actually be abnormal for the child. The Child Behaviour Checklist is something that all parents must be aware of.

Child Psychology: Behaviour Checklist

This checklist will help you to understand how exactly you can deal with the abnormal behaviour of the child and help him or her get back to a normal life. If your child is behaving abnormally as per the points in the Child Behaviour Checklist you must meet a doctor at the earliest they will be able to help you and the child in the most professional manner. Do not be too upset the problem can be solved just that you need to be a little patient and follow whatever the doctor is suggesting and your child will start showing improvements.

What Child Psychologists Say?

The doctors feel that as parents are very busy and they do not have time for the children as a result many kids today are developing mental problems at a young age. There can be many other factors apart from the quality time spent with the kids. The first point is if the Child Behaviour Checklist is showing abnormal results do not start blaming yourself. There can be many other reasons that affect this behaviour in the kid. You have to be positive and practical in order to get to the heart of the problem. Some parents feel that Child Behaviour Checklist is applicable only on teenagers.

Well this is not true at all the Child Behaviour Checklist is also applicable on preschool kids too. The Child Behaviour Checklist was designed by Thomas M. Achenbach. It is a system of empirical based assessment that is applicable on kids. There are two types of Child Behaviour Checklist; the first one is called the preschool checklist for kids between one and a half years to five years. The second is for the kids who are going to school and the age group for this is five years to eighteen years.

With the Child Behaviour Checklist you can understand if the child is doing anything that is not appropriate for his or her age. Some kids may do acts that are more matured for them and similarly some kids can do acts that are much younger for their age. The Child Behaviour Checklist is also reffered to as the CBCL. With the help of the Child Behaviour Checklist you can understand the following child psychological issues:

  1. If the child is depressed because of some reasons
  2. If the child has developed some particular phobia
  3. If the child is becoming a loner
  4. If the child has a hyperactive phobia
  5. If the child has a conduct disorder
  6. Any adolescent issues that the child is facing
  7. If the child is seeking more attention
  8. Some kids suffer from anxiety that too you can understand with this checklist
  9. There are many emotional and behaviour issues that you can identify with this checklist

The Child Behaviour Checklist works in a very simple manner. It has about one hundred questions. Each question will have some answers to choose from. The answers are 0 for not true. 1 for somewhat true and 2 is for sometimes true. As per the score that you get at the end of the paper you can understand if the child is having a problem or not.

It can also help you to understand till what degree the problem is serious. Please do not ignore the Child Behaviour Checklist results it can only increase your problem and make it more difficult for the child to recover. No matter how young the child is you must pay immediate attention to his or her problems. If you don’t then the problem can become huge.

The faster you detect the problem and start working on it the faster and better you will be able to help the child to recover. The first step in solving the problem is to accept that there is a problem and it needs your attention. The Child Behaviour Checklist can be filled by any parent or a care taker who spends a lot of time with the child. Every parent must try to use the Child Behaviour Checklist in order to understand the need and problems of the child better.

We will now tell you how you can order the Child Behaviour Checklist. Well get it delivered to your door step by just calling and placing an order. The cost of the kit is around twelve to fourteen USD depending on the country of delivery. You can pay by using MasterCard or Visa card. There are authorised distributors of the Child Behaviour Checklist in almost all the countries of the world.

It can also be available in as many as eighty five languages. The questionnaire is huge about four pages. After you have finished filling it up you need to get it checked by a professional so that you do not land up making a wrong analysis of the problem this and get into more trouble. There are many aspects to the Child Behaviour Checklist. Children from different social backgrounds and from different nationalities may also affect the results of the Child Behaviour Checklist so you better consult an expert before you take a call on what you must do with your child.

Some questions in the Child Behaviour Checklist for kids below five years are as follows. This is just to give you an idea of what the Child Behaviour Checklist is like:

  1. Chew things that are not edible?
  2. Cries a lot
  3. Accident prone child
  4. Tries to hurt animals
  5. Attacks people physically
  6. Screams a lot for no reasons
  7. Wakes up in the night and do not sleep well
  8. Stares into space and looks preoccupied
  9. Do the child avoid toilet training
  10. Does the child rock the head or body repeatedly
  11. If the child refuses to change even after being punished.
  12. If the child is too fearful and anxious all the time
  13. If the child wants to sit alone and do not play physical games
  14. If the child is selfish and do not want to share things
  15. If the child do not want to eat
  16. Is the child not scared of getting hurt
  17. Is the child too shy and timid
  18. If the child is unhappy and depressed most of the time
  19. Does the child sulk a lot
  20. If the child mentions any physical problem that has no medical background.
  21. Does the child pay with his or her own sex parts too much.
  22. There can also be questions on if the child was born premature and weighed less at birth
  23. Was there any infection that the child had
  24. The Child Behaviour Checklist also has a list of words that the child can speak spontaneously or not. These are about seven to eight hundred words in this list.

The Child Behaviour Checklist is indeed a very helpful tool. It has been used by a number of parents across the world and the results are surprising. This is immensely helpful in understanding the problems that a child is facing. It can be a great way to ensure that the child is given a normal life and a normal upbringing.

About the Author

- A Lawyer, HR Professional and IT Consultant (Co-Owner Abhishek Solutions) and Editor-in-Chief of all websites operating under our banner, and above all the heart and soul of CanFightCancer platform

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